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I got angry in a road rage incident

Anger Remember the time when someone's done wrong to you.  It could be something like facing a verbal / racial attack or someone scratched your car. How did it feel like?You feel the rush of blood in your body. Your heart beats faster. There's nothing in your mind other than taking out your anger verbally or even physically.I recently got into a road rage conflict.  The guy in the bike was showering me with his verbal abuses.  My immediate feeling was to respond to him with a piece of my mind. During the heat of the moment our anger feels completely justified. It feels like a fundamental birth right that we need to execute.But in almost every case once the anger subsides, the same action seems like an over-reaction.   It's like the clouds are removed and now you see it all clearly.Luckily in this case, I wished him well and moved on.I knew that by acting in a state of anger during the heat of the moment, I will regret my words & not feel good about it. And the worst part is I would not be able to undo my decision.For many people the action they took in a state of anger haunts them for years to come.Exercising patience when angry requires a change in mindset. I've talked about it in these comics Good Manners Melt a Hard Heart  |  The Forgiving Commander  |  Childish BehaviourKnow that it's easy to get angry, but you are the better (and stronger) person if you exercise patience."A moment of patience in a moment of anger, prevents a thousand moments of regret." ~ Imam Ali (a)