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How can I get Success & Contentment?

Sufi Sketch: Wealth & ContentmentI was in one of those moods, where I kept telling myself "I wish this & that was right... then I'll be happy". The thought kept repeating in my mind leaving a residue of dissatisfaction.Then I came across this hadith, that made me realize no matter how much I run after things to find happiness, that kind of happiness is like an illusion. Once I get what I want... the happiness fades away into thin air & makes me run after the next thing.The secret to success & lasting happiness is to strive for Goals for the right reasons. If we do things because we want to enhance our ego, it will always lead to short term happiness.But if we work towards our goals with an intent serve a higher value (like making someone else's life better in some way), it'll lead us to both contentment & success.Reading the Hadith gave me sense of peace & perspective, and felt I had to draw it out. Hope it helps you in some way...